Yakov Art

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Face of Freedom by Yakov
Yakov became a citizen under the watchful eye of Lady Liberty — this painting was created to showcase his gratitude toward his country.

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America at Peace by Yakov
The September 11 attacks forever changed our great nation. While terrorists attempted to destroy the unity of the United States, they only succeeded in bringing us closer together. This painting by Yakov serves as a tribute to our nation – now stronger and better than ever.

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Laughing Genius by Yakov
It is said that a heightened sense of humor is a sign of great intelligence. Albert Einstein is the perfect example of this. Yakov looks for the unusual things in life, like a brilliant scientist who doesn’t take himself too seriously.

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Love Mates by Yakov
Swans are some of the most elegant and graceful creatures on Earth. When they mate, they mate for life. Yakov wanted to capture their eternal love in this beautiful painting.

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God and Country by Yakov
A photo in a Ft. Meyers, Florida newspaper inspired this unique work. Yakov loved how the September 11-inspired photo captured so many emotions – grief, hope, and love. The minute he saw it, he knew he had to paint it.

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Flying Glory by Yakov
One of Yakov’s proudest memories is flying the flag over his theatre in Branson, Missouri. Seeing the American flag in all its glory will give anyone goosebumps, and Yakov has captured its grace beautifully in this painting.

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Eye on America by Yakov
This one-of-a-kind painting was inspired by the words of another Russian immigrant – Irving Berlin. When Yakov sees the American flag, he is reminded of Berlin’s 1918 song “God Bless America.”

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America’s Heart by Yakov
Here’s your chance to own a piece of the “America’s Heart” mural that was displayed at Ground Zero in New York City following the September 11 terrorist attacks. This item includes a framed piece of the mural, a photo of the 2002 memorial ceremony, and a note of authenticity.