Renowned comedian Yakov Smirnoff is set to embark on an exciting comedy tour across the United States in 2025, bringing his unique humor and insightful perspectives to audiences nationwide. His upcoming 2025 comedy tour presents fresh new comedy material, and an excellent opportunity for audiences to enjoy his timeless humor and celebrate his enduring legacy in the world of comedy.

Upcoming Tour Dates and Locations Currently Include:

  • February 2, 2025: Snappers Comedy Club, Fort Myers, FL
  • February 5, 2025: Snappers Comedy Club, Tampa Bay, FL
  • February 20, 2025: FunnyBone Comedy Club, Orlando, FL
  • February 21-22, 2025: Porky’s Comedy Club, St. Cloud, FL
  • February 28 – March 1, 2025: McCurdy’s Comedy Theatre, Sarasota, FL
  • March 6-7, 2025: One Night Stan’s, Waterford, MI
  • March 8, 2025: Ohio Star Theatre, Sugarcreek, OH
  • April 25-27, 2025: The Comedy Store, La Jolla, CA
  • May 8-11. 2025: Funny Bone – Westport, St. Louis, MO
  • May 16-17, 2025: The Loony Bin Comedy Club, Tulsa, OK
  • additional performance dates are expected to be added to this schedule

For a complete list and ticket links to his upcoming performance dates visit or subscribe to his account.

In addition to these touring dates, Yakov will also be starring in his hilarious comedy variety show at his 2,000 seat theatre in Branson, Missouri from May 7 through November 20, 2025. Tickets for his shows in Branson are on sale now at

About Yakov Smirnoff:

Yakov began his career as a stand-up comedian in the Soviet Union before immigrating to the United States in 1977, seeking greater opportunities in show business. Despite arriving with limited English proficiency, Smirnoff’s determination and talent propelled him to success.

In the 1980s, Smirnoff became a household name in America, known for his humorous observations of life in the United States from the perspective of a Soviet immigrant. His catchphrase, “What a country!” encapsulated his comedic take on the contrasts between the two cultures. He appeared on popular television shows, including “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson,” and had a recurring role as Yakov Korolenko on NBC’s “Night Court.” Smirnoff also starred in the sitcom “What a Country!” and appeared in films such as “Moscow on the Hudson” alongside Robin Williams, “The Money Pit” with Tom Hanks, and “Brewster’s Millions” with Richard Pryor.

Beyond his entertainment career, Smirnoff is an accomplished academic. He earned a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and later became a professor at Missouri State University. In 2019, he furthered his education by obtaining a doctoral degree in Global Leadership from Pepperdine University.

Smirnoff’s contributions extend to the art world as well. On the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, his mural, “America’s Heart,” was displayed at Ground Zero during the memorial ceremony attended by President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush.

Throughout his career, Yakov Smirnoff has used humor to bridge cultural divides, offering insightful commentary on the immigrant experience and the American way of life.  His 2025 comedy tour is an opportunity for people across the nation to enjoy his outstanding comedy show in person.